
Buissness statement: This company "Dave's Dev is Devoted to making games, movies, tv shows, and comics. In addition to this we create game consoles and DVD playerss. We make multiple types of movie game/comics genres such as horror, comedy and action.
Critic 2 Zachariah Huber 11/20/2019   The poster "WOODZ" by Stephen Carty looked like an actual movie poster. The poster had the word WOOD in white capital letters and Z in a red capital letter. The focus of the poster was a back end of a jeep on a road going through the woods. Eyes on a face were faint below the word WOODZ and above the picture of the jeep going through the woods.  The atmosphere of the poster looked as though something was going to happen. Foreshadowing of the person's eyes made it appear as though the movie would be a murder mystery in the woods or a scary movie in the woods. The shadow effect of the eyes overlaying the picture of the jeep going through the forest was well done. The colors used were blacks, grays and red. More colors would be good to add in the eyes like a deep red to give it some tension.  Unsure when the time period of the movie would take place because the placement of the jeeps' shadow just looks a bit 'eh
Critic 1 Zachariah Huber 11/17/2019       OFN or UFN was a movie poster created by Eli Muller. The focus of the poster was an alien (cyborg) protruded out a black background. The Alien (cyborg) had alien eyes, human-like teeth, No nose, robotic upper body with robotic arms and the title letters in green. OFN or UFN had to be deciphered. There was no rating listed on this movie poster. The OFN or UFN movie poster lacked presentation. The movie poster could have have been misunderstood as a Music CD cover. Due lack of a movie rating, unsure if this movie would be rated PG-13 or R. Obviously, the main character was the alien (cyborg) but it lacks what will happen in the movie and where the setting of the movie takes pace. No other characters were mentioned or even on the poster including who was starring in this movie. In the movie poster the colors used were white, black, yellow, green and silver. The colors and tone  were well done used to represent this alien. Eli Muller creat
Zachariah Huber Hw # 7 I watched the 'Ted Talk" At first, I thought to myself it was pretty boring but than he started talking about the meaning of Art and describing his Art/Posters. I agree what he said about believing in your Art  because if you don't than no one else would believe in your skills as an Artist/Graphic Artist. Art is whatever you make it to be so there's is no rules. Just be yourself and only yourself.