Home work 1


In the article, "How to Ruin A Great Design" by Alice Rawsthorn. She described London's change of street signs, UPS logo, the Citron logo, and McDonald's sign and chairs.. First, the street sign "Diverted Cyclists" was distracting. I agree with that statement because the "D" and the Arrow are too huge compared to the rest of the sign. The arrow and 'D' can be very distracting to any driver. Yes, the street sign 'Tower Bridge' were written 2 different ways can be a distraction. The 1961 UPS symbol was black and white with a bow above UPS. Now the current UPS symbol looked like a corn kernel from a corn on the cob over the letter UPS. Yes, I agreed about Citroen's new logo. Citroen's new symbol looked like silver boomerangs instead of the Traditional upside down V's.  Instead, I saw the old Citroen logo as right angles. McDonald's has a new symbol and brought New chairs! I don't care for either one because I can't stand Mcdonald's. Maybe before changing a traditional symbols get some public opinions.


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