
Showing posts from September, 2019
Homework 3 9/25/2019 I found the article "The Chief of Design Doodles All Day" to be very interesting. Nike chief designer, John Hoke explains his childhood and his dyslexia. He learned that he likes to doodle which makes him listen better.  After landing a job with Nike, he becomes a designer. Now as Chief Designer, John meets with his team that is creating a shoe that looks like it it has grass on it.  The shoe is 0 waste and made out of a birch tree bark which can be recycled totally. I found it interesting that this man had a problem like dyslexia.  It just goes to show you that you can over come the problems you were born with and still live amazingly.
Day 2 one point prospective
Homework 2 9/19/2019 The video "Rethink the Way We Sit" by Niel Diffrient was a person who spoke about his life in design. Diffrient designed a chair that was very simple to use it. Yes, he got me to think of buying his chair but not to the point where I really wanted it. His chair was kinda cool in a way of how it was built to suffice to anyone.  It does have a convoluted instruction book included with his chair.. It's just a simple click here, there and boom. I just think he should have been a bit more dynamic, exciting and speak faster. Half way through it I fell asleep and had to try to stay awake. His talk was a very mono-toned speech to me and it wasn't really interesting.          
Day 1
Home work 1 9/12/2019 In the article, "How to Ruin A Great Design" by Alice Rawsthorn. She described London's change of street signs, UPS logo, the Citron logo, and McDonald's sign and chairs.. First, the street sign "Diverted Cyclists" was distracting. I agree with that statement because the "D" and the Arrow are too huge compared to the rest of the sign. The arrow and 'D' can be very distracting to any driver. Yes, the street sign 'Tower Bridge' were written 2 different ways can be a distraction. The 1961 UPS symbol was black and white with a bow above UPS. Now the current UPS symbol looked like a corn kernel from a corn on the cob over the letter UPS. Yes, I agreed about Citroen's new logo. Citroen's new symbol looked like silver boomerangs instead of the Traditional upside down V's.  Instead, I saw the old Citroen logo as right angles. McDonald's has a new symbol and brought New chairs! I don't care for
1. What is your previous computer experience? My previous computer experience stems from when I was young like 12 Ive been playing games/photoshop for awhile but I like to still learn more 2. What do you hope to get out of this class? Learn and get an education so I can one day be able to get more practice with photoshop/ draw 3. What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? Photoshop I have been using it since I was 12 or 13 I think but I've  used it quite a to like I could make good cover for a magazine an even make some spicy memes. 4. Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Yes two to be honest an no BUT I WANT IT REALLY BADLY PLS GIVE ME!!!! 5. Do you use a  Mac  or PC? I use a acer but I will be getting a personal custom  Mac laptop later on I also have a pc but that got fried 6. What do you hope to do with your major? Perhaps one day make a great game make some cool art with it an maybe