Meh favorite movie

I like this movie a lot because first, it was based off a video game back then. Now it's a movie!  Secondly, it talks about a lot of deep stuff like death and letting go of someone who has died in your life.  Thirdly, the movie and games are about some High School Students who are trying to stop the dark hour and to save all of humanity against Nyx from ending before the next spring. When it  comes around these months, this dark hour which is unknown to normal people will come at midnight and turn everyone to a coffin.  The people who aren't in coffins or don't have this certain potential called Persona will be turn to a shadow (an untamed harmful thought) and will attack other humans. But the people who have the potential called Persona have a way not to be turned to a shadow or a coffin.   Also, they can also fight shadows. To summon their Persona, they basically have to use a gun that shoots blanks and put it to there head.  Then, pull the trigger to summon their Persona and then their Persona will be able to beat the crap out of the shadows. But during this dark hour, there is a High School that they go to gets transform into a tower called Tartarus. They must climb it to stop the dark hour but there are many shadows there. as well. They must fight there way up while, also attending class in the morning where they succeed or not that is for you to find out.


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